Village Hall, 16 West Genesee Street

Make Your VOTE Count!

What does Let B'ville Vote mean?

It means let the registered voters in the village vote on moving elections to November. Last November, a multipartisan group of residents sent a letter to the Board of Trustees asking them to voluntarily put a question on the ballot about moving village elections from March to November. After weeks of debating and listing all the reasons they were personally against November elections, the trustees decided not to honor our request and let the voters decide, but rather to muddy the waters and put a question on the ballot to move elections to JUNE! (Something no one asked for and would actually be worse than March because of vacations, graduations, Regents exams, and the primary election which would be one week later at a different polling place.)

The Village Board COULD have Let B'ville Vote on this issue. But they wouldn't. So a small army of volunteers passed petitions throughout January and February, collecting 297 signatures of concerned citizens in the village... 97 more than the requisite 200. This is how Proposition 2 got on the ballot. It was NOT because the Village Board decided to Let B'ville Vote. It was because of dedicated volunteers and petition signers who FORCED them to do it.

We can send a loud message to this board. VOTE Tuesday, March 19 from noon to 9:00 p.m. at Village Hall, 16 W. Genesee St. Vote YES to November elections (Prop 2) and NO to June elections (Prop 1.) And while you're at it, vote for the trustee candidates who support moving elections to November. The Brighter Baldwinsville candidates are Donna Freyleue, Brian V. Burmeister, and James Miller.

November Elections Increase Turnout

According to the Onondaga County Board of Elections, villages that moved elections from March to November saw up to a 900% increase in voter participation! And three of the five villages in the county who moved elections to November, Tully, East Syracuse, and Camillus, continued to run on independent party lines, not major party lines. When naysayers tell you November elections will require everyone to run as an R or a D, don't believe them. They're simply wrong.